347-460-1343 OR 215-613-2124
Thanks for visiting DQ PRODUCTIONS NY & PHILLY, Quality Production to the world.




  DQ PRODUCTIONS NY & PHILLY is a digital online media production company owned by the leading producer,

  Dale Quashie, also known as DQ THE BOSS PRODUCER.

  Our main objective is to provide top-quality audio and visual element productions for our worldwide clients.
  We offer creative audio production for businesses and events using state-of-the-art technology and industry-standard software and equipment.

  For over 15 years, we've produced audio and visual projects for clients in all states, overseas, and the Caribbean.

  Radio Advertising and Production, plus content creation for social media platforms.

  Request a quote, or speak to an experienced producer about your digital audio or visual projects today.









Find out about audio and video commercials for your business

or concert event. Over 25 top voiceovers and a top-tier studio editing team.

Sound design and audio editing projects can be completed in 1-3 Business days.

A client can also send us the raw footage, and our experienced team will master

all audio and visuals in a quick time frame.










High-quality recording in all formats; we remove pops, cracks, hum, and noise

from all recordings. Find out about the Dry acapella or the fully produced version.

Over 6 convenient payment options for Local & international clients.













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